Thursday, October 22, 2009

Listerine for Toenail fungus

Listerine therapy for toenail fungus: Get rid of unsightly toenail fungus by soaking your toes in Listerine Mouthwash. The powerful antiseptic leaves your toenails looking healthy again.

TOENAIL FUNGUS:Listerine therapy for toenail fungus…. Get rid of unsightly toenail fungus by soaking your toes in Listerine mouthwash. The powerful antiseptic leaves your toenails looking healthy again.From this site that has a list of home remedies.

Vicks vaporub is also another home remedy. Wonder if it works.

I have been trying to cover up my toenail fungus with dark red nail polish for months now. So dark, I can’t even tell which toenail has fungus and I pretty much neglected that.

Yesterday I decided to go naked….

My toes lah.

Stripped off all the polish and boy is that fungus nasty.

At least now I can see them. Will put the medicine properly from now on…hope it heals fast so that I can go for my pedicures again and have lighter colours for my toes.

I will bloody try the listerine home remedy tonight and maybe the vicks one if I pass by Watsons or Guardian.

Worse comes to worse….

I’ll visit the doctor.

Whahaha, my last toenail tore off. I got so pissed, I decided to cut my toenails short and cut off the parts with the fungus(as much as I could). Now they are ugly, and I probably won’t be able to do my fortnightly pedicure anymore for quite awhile.

Ha so I didn get to try the home remedies. Next time if I have, I’ll surely try it again. Now my nails are so short, its much easier to put the fungal medication.


  1. some says that listerine is one of the cure for toenail fungus, but the only treatment im sure of that really works is zeta clear..
    check this out:
    yellowing of the toenails

    1. Although Listerine established fact like a superior germ-killing mouthwash, it's got all kinds of other uses including answer to nail fungus infection.
      Healing Tree Anti-Fungal Treatment

    2. Toe nail fungus is more common, than you think and it is easy to get. As the fungus grows in the dark, damp places, such as your finger nails and your toes. Toe fungus is a living organism and some of the symptoms are yellow nails, thicken nails, and blackened nails.Mycosan Fungal Nail Reviews
