Thursday, October 22, 2009
Listerine for Toenail fungus
Listerine therapy for toenail fungus: Get rid of unsightly toenail fungus by soaking your toes in Listerine Mouthwash. The powerful antiseptic leaves your toenails looking healthy again.
TOENAIL FUNGUS:Listerine therapy for toenail fungus…. Get rid of unsightly toenail fungus by soaking your toes in Listerine mouthwash. The powerful antiseptic leaves your toenails looking healthy again.From this site that has a list of home remedies.
Vicks vaporub is also another home remedy. Wonder if it works.
I have been trying to cover up my toenail fungus with dark red nail polish for months now. So dark, I can’t even tell which toenail has fungus and I pretty much neglected that.
Yesterday I decided to go naked….
My toes lah.
Stripped off all the polish and boy is that fungus nasty.
At least now I can see them. Will put the medicine properly from now on…hope it heals fast so that I can go for my pedicures again and have lighter colours for my toes.
I will bloody try the listerine home remedy tonight and maybe the vicks one if I pass by Watsons or Guardian.
Worse comes to worse….
I’ll visit the doctor.
Whahaha, my last toenail tore off. I got so pissed, I decided to cut my toenails short and cut off the parts with the fungus(as much as I could). Now they are ugly, and I probably won’t be able to do my fortnightly pedicure anymore for quite awhile.
Ha so I didn get to try the home remedies. Next time if I have, I’ll surely try it again. Now my nails are so short, its much easier to put the fungal medication.
Alka Seltzer for UTI Cure
Horse Radish plus Olive Oil for Achy Muscles
Achy muscles from a bout of the flu? Mix 1 tablespoon horseradish in 1 cup of olive oil. Let the mixture sit for 30 minutes, then apply it as a massage oil for instant relief for aching muscles.
This perennial produces a thick aromatic root with medicinal properties, often served with roast beef. Early in spring, plant cuttings in a vertical position with the larger end upward. Cover them with 1 to 2 in. of soil. Thicker roots are more desirable because they yield a larger taproot in the fall. Adequate moisture results in optimum yields, but the plants will produce edible roots with minimal watering. If your soil is good, fertilizer is not needed. Excessively good growing conditions encourage horseradish to spread. To contain horseradish in a small garden you may want to plant the roots into a bottomless black plastic pot buried in the ground.
Most of horseradish’s root growth occurs in late fall, so delay harvesting until late September. At this time carefully dig around the plant. There will be many lateral roots attached to the taproot. The taproot can be stored in a cold room like potatoes and used anytime. The lateral roots are used for root-cuttings for next year's crop. Pull up most of the lateral roots to minimize the number of horseradish plants in your garden.
The greatest exponent of monounsaturated fat is olive oil, and it is a prime component of the Mediterranean Diet. Olive oil is a natural juice which preserves the taste, aroma, vitamins and properties of the olive fruit. Olive oil is the only vegetable oil that can be consumed as it is - freshly pressed from the fruit.
The beneficial health effects of olive oil are due to both its high content of monounsaturated fatty acids and its high content of antioxidative substances. Studies have shown that olive oil offers protection against heart disease by controlling LDL ("bad") cholesterol levels while raising HDL (the "good" cholesterol) levels. (1-3) No other naturally produced oil has as large an amount of monounsaturated as olive oil -mainly oleic acid.
Olive oil is very well tolerated by the stomach. In fact, olive oil's protective function has a beneficial effect on ulcers and gastritis. Olive oil activates the secretion of bile and pancreatic hormones much more naturally than prescribed drugs. Consequently, it lowers the incidence of gallstone formation.
Olive oil and heart disease
Studies have shown that people who consumed 25 milliliters (mL) - about 2 tablespoons - of virgin olive oil daily for 1 week showed less oxidation of LDL cholesterol and higher levels of antioxidant compounds, particularly phenols, in the blood.(4)
But while all types of olive oil are sources of monounsaturated fat, EXTRA VIRGIN olive oil, from the first pressing of the olives, contains higher levels of antioxidants, particularly vitamin E and phenols, because it is less processed.
Olive oil is clearly one of the good oils, one of the healing fats. Most people do quite well with it since it does not upset the critical omega 6 to omega 3 ratio and most of the fatty acids in olive oil are actually an omega-9 oil which is monounsaturated.
Olive oil and colon cancer
Spanish researchers suggest that including olive oil in your diet may also offer benefits in terms of colon cancer prevention (5). Their study results showed that rats fed diet supplemented with olive oil had a lower risk of colon cancer than those fed safflower oil-supplemented diets. In fact, the rats that received olive oil had colon cancer rates almost as low as those fed fish oil, which several studies have already linked to a reduction in colon cancer risk.
Types of olive oil
Generally, olive oil is extracted by pressing or crushing olives. Olive oil comes in different varieties, depending on the amount of processing involved. Varieties include:
Extra virgin - considered the best, least processed, comprising the oil from the first pressing of the olives.
Virgin - from the second pressing.
Pure - undergoes some processing, such as filtering and refining.
Extra light - undergoes considerable processing and only retains a very mild olive flavour.
When buying olive oil you will want to obtain a high quality EXTRA VIRGIN oil. The oil that comes from the first "pressing" of the olive, is extracted without using heat (a cold press) or chemicals, and has no "off" flavors is awarded "extra virgin" status. The less the olive oil is handled, the closer to its natural state, the better the oil. If the olive oil meets all the criteria, it can be designated as "extra virgin".
What is pure and light olive oil? "Pure" olive oil is made by adding a little extra virgin olive oil to refined olive oil. It is a lesser grade oil that is also labeled as just "olive oil" in the U.S.
"Light" olive oil is a marketing concept and not a classification of olive oil grades. It is completely unregulated by any certification organizations and therefore has no real precedent to what its content should be. Sometimes, the olive oil is cut with other vegetable oils.
How to care for your olive oil
Resist the temptation to place your beautiful bottle of olive oil on the windowsill. Light and heat are the #1 enemy of oil. Keep olive oil in a cool and dark place, tightly sealed. Oxygen promotes rancidity. Olive oil is like other oils and can easily go rancid when exposed to air, light or high temperatures.
You can of course buy extra virgin olive oil in any grocery store. A good source on the internet for extra virgin olive oil is here.
Olive oil versus canola oil
Do not fall into the hype which is put out by traditional medicine regarding the promotion of canola oil (rapeseed) as superior due to its concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids. Olive oil is far superior and has been around for thousands of years. Canola oil is a relatively recent development and the original crops were unfit for human consumption due to their high content of a dangerous fatty acid called euric acid.
If the taste of olive oil is a problem, or if you are frying or sautéing food, then you should consider coconut oil. Many nutritionally misinformed people would consider this unwise due to coconut oil's nearly exclusive content of saturated fat. However, this is just not the case. Because it has mostly saturated fat, it is much less dangerous to heat. The heat will not tend to cause the oil to transition into dangerous trans fatty acids.
Colgate Toothpaste - relieves burns
Did you know that Colgate Toothpaste makes an excellent salve for burns?
Although most Colgate toothpaste brands use sodium fluoride, the Colgate Cavity Protection variety instead contains Sodium monofluorophosphate as the active ingredient.
Colgate Total contains the anti-microbial ingredient triclosan, which reduces the number of bacteria that cause gingivitis, cavities and halitosis.
Duraphat is a professional strength paste intended for the treatment and prevention of dental caries. The toothpaste is ideal for the management of high-risk patients such as those with rampant, early, existing or recurrent coronal or root caries. Since it is used in place of regular toothpaste, it is an easy treatment regime for patients to comply with. The prime constituent is sodium hydroxide and it is sometimes prescribed as part of a program of fluoride therapy. It is available as a prescription-only product
A whitening toothpaste that is "Clinically-proven to whiten in 14 days". Its whitening ingredient is hydrogen peroxide, which gradually bleaches the teeth. It utilizes two separate chambers that contain a whitening agent and a cleaning gel.
An advertising campaign for Colgate toothpaste from the 1940s used the slogan "It cleans your breath while it cleans your teeth".[citation needed] From the 1960s onwards, the slogan was "The Colgate ring of confidence".[citation needed] Colgate has a toothpaste and toothbrush mascot for children's entertainment, "Doctor Rabbit", which has also been used in three tapes that teach about dental health and advertise Colgate toothpaste[citation needed] Remixed versions of these tapes have appeared on the Internet and they are often re-edited for comedic effect.
In the late 1950's and early 1960's, Colgate stressed the fact their "Dental Cream" contained Gardol, a formula that helped protect teeth from cavities and tooth decay. "Gardol" was actually their trademark for the ingredient Sodium lauroyl sarcosinate (and identified as such on the package and in their advertising), which today is an ingredient in Arm & Hammer's "Advance White" toothpaste, minus the "Gardol" identification.
In many Latin American countries, Colgate toothpaste is banned from sale because the Spanish word Colgate literally translates to Hang yourself in English.
Gatorade as Pain Relievers
Did you know that drinking two glasses of Gatorade can relieve headache pain almost immediately- without the unpleasant side effects caused by traditional pain relievers?
What is Gatorade?
Gatorade®, or Gatorade® G as the product was re-branded as in early 2009, is a popular sports drink invented in 1965 by a team of researchers at the University of Florida. The drink is named in honor of the University's Florida Gators athletic teams. It was developed by university researchers after the assistant coach asked the research team to help figure out a way to help athletes cope with the hot weather. When research revealed that the athletes were losing electrolytes and important fluids as well as carbohydrates through sweating, Gatorade® was formulated to replace the lost nutrients.
Carbohydrates are biomolecules that transport and store energy in the body. Electroyltes are salts and minerals needed to be replenished in the body. Interestingly, the Florida Gators started improving in their wins overall after the teams began drinking the Gatorade® at games. Other university sports teams started ordering Gatorade® and by 1983, the product was the National Football League's (NFL) official sports drink. It later became the official drink of many professional sports groups.
In 1998, the Gatorade® Sports Science Institute was formed in Barrington, Illinois to continue research in the area of electrolyte and carbohydrate loss in athletes. The Gatorade® In-Car Drinking System was developed in 2001 to successfully help racecar drivers stay properly hydrated during races in high temperatures. Also in 2001, the Gatorade® Performance Series drink, energy bar and shake were launched. In 2005, Gatorade® Endurance products were created to especially address the electrolyte needs of endurance athletes such as runners.
The Gatorade® Endurance Formula sports drink has a high sodium level as needed by endurance athletes, but most other varieties of Gatorade® are low in sodium. Sodium in one type of electrolyte lost through sweat -- potassium, magnesium and calcium are others. Gatorade®, or Gatorade® G, contains varying amount of electrolytes depending on the particular drink line. Many of the sports drinks contain vitamins and most have corn syrup as a carbohydrate. Gatorade&re; flavors are natural and include the original, lemon lime, as well as orange, Fruit Punch and grape varieties.
One Gatorade® product line, Propel Fit, is artificially sweetened. It was first launched in 2000 and calcium was added to the line in 2006. The crisp and light Rain flavor of Gatorade® was brought out in 2006 with the name later changed to No Excuses in 2009. Gatorade® 2, or G2, a successful low calorie version of Gatorade®, was introduced in 2007 in blended flavors such as Blueberry-Pomegranate and Strawberry-Kiwi.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Left Over Cut Onions are Poisonous
A bit of information for your consumption. ..
Don't keep sliced onions for another day...
I have used an onion which has been left in the fridge, and sometimes I don't use a whole one at one time, so save the other half for later. Now with this info, I have changed my mind....will buy smaller onions in the future.
I had the wonderful privilege of touring Mullins Food Products, Makers of mayonnaise. Mullins is huge, and is owned by 11 brothers and sisters in the Mullins family. My friend, Jeanne, is the CEO.
Questions about food poisoning came up, and I wanted to share what I learned from a chemist.
The guy who gave us our tour is named Ed. He's one of the brothers. Ed is a chemistry expert and is involved in developing most of the sauce formula. He's even developed sauce formula for McDonald's.
Keep in mind that Ed is a food chemistrywhiz. During the tour, someone asked if we really needed to worry about mayonnaise. People are always worried that mayonnaise will spoil. Ed's answer will surprise you. Ed said that all commercially- made Mayo is completely safe.
"It doesn't even have to be refrigerated. No harm in refrigerating it, but it's not really necessary.."
He explained that the pH in mayonnaise is set at a point that bacteria could not survive in that environment. He then talked about the quaint essential picnic, with the bowl of potato salad sitting on the table and how everyone blames the mayonnaise when someone gets sick.
Ed says that when food poisoning is reported, the first thing the officials look for is when the 'victim' last ate ONIONS and where those onions came from (in the potato salad?). Ed says it's not the mayonnaise (as long as it's not homemade Mayo) that spoils in the outdoors. It's probably the onions, and if not the onions, it's the POTATOES.
He explained, onions are a huge magnet for bacteria, especially uncooked onions. You should never plan to keep a portion of a sliced onion. He says it's not even safe if you put it in a zip-lock bag and put it in your refrigerator.
It's already contaminated enough just by being cut open and out for a bit, that it can be a danger to you (and doubly watch out for those onions you put in your hotdogs at the baseball park!)
Ed says if you take the leftover onion and cook it like crazy
you'll probably be okay, but if you slice that leftover onion and put on your sandwich, you're asking for trouble. Both the onions and the moist potato in a potato salad, will attract and grow bacteria faster than any commercial mayonnaise will even begin to break down.
So, how's that for news? Take it for what you will. I (the author) am going to be very careful about my onions from now on.
For some reason, I see a lot of credibility coming from a chemist and a company that produces millions of pounds of mayonnaise every year..'
Also, dogs should never eat onions. Their stomachs cannot metabolize onions .Please remember it is dangerous to cut onions and try to use it to cook the next day, it becomes highly poisonous for even a single night and creates Toxic bacteria which may cause Adverse Stomach infectionsbecause of excess Bile secretions and even Food poisoning.
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