Sunday, September 26, 2010

Liquid Crystalline Water, Quantum Molecular Machines and the Living State

ISIS Lecture 17/09/10

Dr. Mae-Wan Ho

Invited lecture at Biomaterials Symposium, YUCOMAT 2010, Plaza Hotel, Herceg 
Novi, Montenegro, 6-10 September 2010

The liquid crystalline organism

It’s been 18 years since I peered down the polarised light microscope and saw what no one else has seen before: a little fruit fly larva doing a psychedelic dance in all the colours of the rainbow. The polarizing light microscope technician was on leave, so we were left to our own devices. My colleague Michael Lawrence turned all the knobs this way and that until we got the best contrast. We had stumbled on a new configuration that optimised the detection of low level birefringence typical of biomolecules. But that alone would not have enabled us to see the dynamic liquid crystalline display of the little fruit fly larva.

For that to happen, all the molecules in the cells and tissues of its body must be aligned and moving coherently together. Not just the macromolecules but more importantly, the cell and tissue water must be an intrinsic part of the polarised liquid crystalline phase; the water forming dynamically coherent units with the macromolecules embedded and immersed in it. This water I call liquid crystalline water. The fruit fly larva is not unique, all living cells and organisms display themselves like that.

In the book named after the fruit fly larva [1], The Rainbow and the Worm, The Physics of Organisms, first published in 1993 and now in its 3rd enlarged 2008 edition, I present theoretical arguments and empirical evidence to support the idea that the organism is coherent to a high degree, even quantum coherent; and liquid crystalline water is an intrinsic part of the quantum molecular machines that power cells and organisms. 

A quantum molecular machine transfers and transforms energy quantum mechanically at the molecular level without dissipation. This is exactly what motivates a lot of nanotechnology.

However, nanotechnologists still have much to learn from nature in how liquid crystalline water associated with nanomolecular machines is crucial to their functioning. Prof. Djuro Koruga is a pioneer among nanotechnologists in his multifaceted research on water and nanomaterials, and I thank him again for inviting me here to contribute to his vision.

In the short time available, I shall describe some recent evidence in support of the view that liquid crystalline water forms dynamically coherent units with enzyme proteins and DNA and then see how that might explain the living state.

A fully referenced and illustrated version of this lecture plus power point presentation is available for download here

Read other reports about water and organisms here

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Truth about Heart Attacks, Vitamin C and the FDA

I felt this chapter from the Free Ebook for MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) of Jim Humble should and must be shared to the rest of the world. Only the less informed will become enslaved... Please read this and enrich your wisdom.

Chapter 22
Heart Attacks and the FDA

Read this chapter and you will learn that heart attacks are not related to cholesterol and clogged arteries, and that you can prevent them. I almost didn’t write this chapter, because this book is about MMS, but then I decided that this is important information that everyone interested in health should know. This chapter also provides a little more information about the FDA.

Let me first make a few statements that are undisputable facts, provable in a court of law, and easily verified by 100 different sources, including those on the internet. The facts that I am going to present are absolutely undisputable, yet most people ignore them.

The first thing you should know is that most FDA experts are also on the payrolls of the pharmaceutical companies. You might think this would be against public policy, but it is not. It seems they have the right to moonlight, just like everyone else, even if it presents a conflict of interest. Should you want the facts on this, read the book, Deadly Medicine, by Thomas Moore, or just check
with the FDA.

Secondly, in 1992 the FDA started a public campaign to deny the American people the right to purchase vitamins without going to a doctor and obtaining a prescription. They spent millions of taxpayers’ dollars pushing this cause, but it didn’t work. Worse than that, it backfired against them. Not just thousands, but millions of American people rose up against this attack on our liberties and wrote their congressmen. In August of 1994, the FDA attempted to push legislation restricting vitamins, but evidently that wasn’t possible. A bill was unanimously passed by both houses and signed into law by the president. Did you see that? Unanimously. That’s what the America people can do if they really try. (All of this is now a matter of public record).

The law was called DSHEA (The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994). This law attempts to guarantee the American people free access to vitamins and other essential nutrients and to educational data concerning these nutrients. The reason educational data was included is that the pharmaceutical companies had been campaigning to prevent any and all claims of health benefits concerning vitamins from being published. Do you see? They would have even prevented books from being printed telling us about vitamins. They spent not just millions, but billions on this idea. Now we have a law to protect us. The Constitution should have been enough, but now we have this law, also. Still, that wasn’t enough. The pharmaceutical companies banded together to form a cartel at the international level. They started a worldwide campaign to ban all data concerning the health benefits of vitamins and minerals and other natural substances from being distributed anywhere in the world. They approached the world through the United Nations Food Standards Commission. They thought that they could force the industrial nations and the world to accept vitamins as prescription medicine. Disguised as a consumer protection initiative, this concept was to be recommended to the UN General Assembly. Trade sanctions were proposed for any countries that refused to accept vitamins as prescription medicine.

That was in 1997. The main actor in this pharmaceutical vitamin cartel was the German government. Germany exports more pharmaceutical products than any other nation. They might have succeeded had it not been for one doctor, Matthias Rath, MD. On June 22, 1997, he gave a speech to an audience in Chemnitz, Germany. He exposed the cartel and their intentions in that speech and connected them to the pharmaceutical companies who were profiteers of World War II and the Holocaust. As a result of this speech, along with several other speeches and hundreds of thousands of protest letters, the idea became so controversial by the time it was to be presented to the UN General Assembly, that the cartel did not succeed. Even more amazing, on May 20, 1999, these multinational pharmaceutical companies admitted to forming a “vitamin cartel” to fix the prices of raw vitamins and materials. They defrauded hundreds of millions of people worldwide of more than 100 billion dollars. They were fined about 1 billion dollars. The U.S. Justice Department declared that they were the largest illegal cartel ever uncovered. Their tiny fine, when compared to the total amount they bilked from the people of the world, was inconsequential.

Are you starting to see? The pharmaceutical companies have no conscience. They will do anything to prevent the loss of money or to make money. They do not care how many deaths they cause. Over the past 50 years, the pharmaceutical companies, through the FDA, have suppressed dozens of discoveries concerning cures for cancer, heart disease, and many other diseases. I know you probably think this is crazy, but you would probably think that about the above information also, if it were not so much a part of the record. 

There is nothing that I have said above that can be disputed. It’s all a matter of record. It all happened just as stated above and can be investigated by any high school student and proven to be factual. It is slightly more difficult to prove the suppression of the discoveries of cures for cancer and other diseases, but still it can be proven. The FDA has depended upon the incredibility of what it has done and the indifference of the public to maintain its farce.

One other note of interest: The amino acid tryptophan was sold in health food stores throughout the U.S. as an aid for sleep. It really worked and thousands of people bought it as opposed to several pharmaceutical sleeping aids. Tryptophan cost the drug companies millions of dollars in drugs they were no longer able to sell. Then tryptophan was cited as the cause of death for a single person in the U.S. and several people in Japan. The FDA immediately responded by taking it off the shelf of every health food store in the U.S. This amino acid is manufactured in Japan, and it was found that somehow an impurity had gotten into the jars. Although the problem was fixed and acceptable purity rules were put in place in the Japanese manufacturing plant, it has never been allow back on the market in the U.S.

It was later found that American FDA agents had visited the Japanese tryptophan plant before the impure jars of tryptophan were shipped. So now drug companies that sell sleeping aids make millions of dollars selling the drugs that replace tryptophan. Do you see? One person died from amino acid impurities and America can no longer have tryptophan, but hundreds of thousands of people die from drugs and they are completely acceptable. Am I the only one who sees something wrong with this?

It can now be shown that every person in America is in some way personally touched by suffering and death as a result of the FDA’s betrayal of the American people. But worse than this is that every person in the world is to some extent affected by the suppression of data regarding potential cures of many different diseases. The indifference results mostly from realizing that one can really do nothing to change the status quo. But this can be changed if everyone will simply inform his relatives, friends, and neighbors of this book.

You may think that the law I mentioned earlier in this chapter, the DSHEA of 1994, has protected us. Well, that is not so. As soon as it was out of the public eye, the FDA began working again to get congress to pass a law saying that all supplements must be approved by the FDA before they can be sold in the U.S. Now the FDA has publicly stated that they intend to shut down 50% of the supplement businesses in the U.S. using this new law. There are 970,000 drugrelated deaths each year, and not one single supplement-related death per year, and the FDA is going to limit our right to obtain supplements unless they approve of them. They are not fooling around. They have stated their intention to enforce this new law with vengeance. Congress is betraying the American public once again. The DSHEA law will be useless with this new law in place.

Congress has been informed of the damage this law will cause. There is only one reason why they will agree to this law in both the house and senate: They have been bought. This law is in the works in both the house and the senate and is scheduled to be law in 2010.

So far, all congressmen and senators are in favor of it. Regarding FDA’s suppression of cures, I am going describe two of the more important suppression incidents below and then tell you where you can check my data for accuracy. Be advised, however, I am only touching upon the tip of the iceberg. There are many more cases that I do not have the time or space to cover. You can also see why I moved out of the country to publish this book. Now you are going to say, “But the Constitution of the U.S. allows you to publish anything.” Well, the FDA doesn’t care about that. They arrest authors and inventors, such as myself, and charge them with almost anything. They simply don’t care. They can keep an author in jail for a long time on trumped up charges. The judges in that area of the law are FDA judges. They just tell the author that if he will withdraw his book or say his cure doesn’t work, they will drop the charges. By the time the author has spent all his money on lawyers, he often gives in. Dozens of cures have been lost because the inventor or author was just too tired of fighting to go on, spent years in jail, or died of a heart attack.

Actually, it’s a lot worse than that. They seize property and destroy businesses. They often take everything that belongs to a business, including cars and bank accounts. Many times, they do it without a search warrant. They destroy a person’s life. During the trial, they have their own judges who will not allow any reasonable defense. A hero who has spent his life helping people and searching for a cure to one disease or another can find himself in prison for years. These incidents are crimes of the worst kind against humanity. They destroy a business and a person’s whole life to suppress a cure. They do it in the name of public safety and no one
can stop them.

You ask why they do it? They do it for the billions of dollars that the pharmaceutical companies will make if the cure is not given to the world. It often scares people who are afraid they will lose their jobs. If a cure is found for cancer, thousands of jobs will be lost. Radiation therapy jobs will be lost, chemotherapy drugs will no longer be manufactured, and hospitals will go out of business. But millions of lives will be saved and untold suffering will be stopped. Would you rather save the jobs or stop the suffering and have those who would lose their jobs retrained for other jobs?

I do not have nearly enough money to publish this book as widely as it needs to be published, so I am depending upon the American people, the Mexican people, and the people of South America to get this information out. If everyone will send this book to at least two people, or see that at least two people download the free e-book, Part 1, from , the American people will have a cure that will eliminate the need for more than 50%, and as much as 80%, of the drugs consumed by mankind at this time. In the long run, millions of lives will be saved and the amount of suffering that will be stopped is incalculable. If you have  read this book, you know that this is true, and if you don’t know that this is true, then give MMS a try. It cures cancer when used properly or used with other know cancer cures, such as the Indian herb mixture. And as I have said, all profits from the sale of this book will be used by me to distribute this book to the world and to bring this cure to the African people.

I have to be careful with what I say, or they will prosecute me for something like this. So let me just say that this is my intention at this time and I will do my best to carry it out. However, I cannot guarantee that all profits will be used as I now hope. I will certainly do my best to ensure they are used as outlined above. And of course, I will use a portion of this money for living expenses.

Billions and billions of dollars have been spent on the search for a cure for cancer based on the currently recognized theory of cancer. For more than 100 years there have been two basic theories of cancer; however, the second theory has been suppressed. Lives have been destroyed, people have been jailed and sent to prison, and books have been burned. Every conceivable disgusting thing that can be done has been done to prevent the second theory of cancer from ever coming to scientific light or becoming known to the public. An interesting thing to note is that all of the demonstrated cancer cures have been based on the second theory, or similar concepts. Researchers have documented more than 1,000 cases of people who have been completely cured of cancer for each of more than 2 dozen of those cures. Some of those have reportedly cured more than 10,000 patients of cancer, and several of them have cured more than 100,000 patients.

So let me tell you in a few nontechnical sentences the difference between the two theories of cancer. The present theory of cancer is that healthy body cells for some unknown reason mutate into cancerous cells. The general idea is that the unknown reason is a result of aging, poor diet, heredity, a bad condition that slowly mutates into cancer, or something along those lines. Based on this theory, billions of dollars have been spent on research and millions of men, women, and children have suffered and died for more than 100 years while there has been no significant improvement in cancer treatment. That’s 100 years without an answer or any real improvement. Of course there are a lot of scientists who would like to argue against this assessment. They might point out that there was a great improvement made in chemotherapy chemicals in about 1948, but there are still more people dying of cancer than ever before. There is no indication that chemotherapy increases one’s chances of living.

Does this seem like a bleak picture to you? The same treatment has been used for over 100 years. There has been no real change for more than 100 years and they still continue to use and research this treatment, even though a higher percentage of cancer patients are dying than ever before.

The second theory—or the unaccepted theory—is that cancer is caused by a very unusual virus that changes from a virus to a bacterium and back to a virus again. There are a lot of technical terms I am leaving out, but that’s the basic concept. This second theory is based on what is called pleomorphism. Research into this theory is not allowed. You may say, “I thought America was a free country.” Well, that’s so, but not for those who want to do research into this particular theory of cancer. No money is available for such research, and those who try to get funding hit a brick wall. Nobody cooperates with them. Their colleagues won’t talk to them anymore.

The FDA, FTC, and the AMA put every possible roadblock in their way. Let me repeat my earlier note: all of the suppressed cures that have worked have been based on this very unusual virus theory or similar concepts.

Please, please, please, don’t believe me. Go to the Internet and dig deep and you will find the facts. The facts are there, and when you have the facts you will see that what I am saying is true. We need millions of people to learn the facts. They don’t have to understand all the technical supporting material; they just need to know what is really going on. So let me recommend one book you should read to get you started. It’s The Cancer Cure that Worked by Barry Lynes and John Crane. They give references and tell where you can go to get the actual records.

In this book you are reading right now, we are talking about MMS. So far, many people have stated that after taking MMS their cancer went away. MMS kills viruses and bacteria. It has been established for 100 years that chlorine dioxide kills viruses and bacteria. We have not proven that MMS will attack mutated cancerous cells. But what has happened is that skin cancers, including melanomas dry up and flake off like the scabs on a sore.

It doesn’t look like the cancer was attacked; it looks more like the cancer just quit growing and the body simply healed the area. That’s exactly what would happen if a virus were killed. But we cannot say for certain this is what is happening—yet.

Here is one more thing that the FDA really doesn’t want you to know: Heart attacks have nothing to do with cholesterol levels in your blood. The AMA and other medical research oriented groups have not produced a single study that proves that people with high levels of cholesterol have more heart attacks than those with low levels. They have proven, however, that they can sell billions of dollars of cholesterol lowering drugs. Dr. Matthias Rath has shown that the basis of heart attacks is vitamin deficiency, mainly vitamin C. Get his books. Believe me—he has proven it. Vitamins prevent heart attacks, not cholesterol lowering drugs.

Dr. Matthias Rath points out that there are several thousand miles of blood veins in your body. Those don’t become clogged and cause problems. If cholesterol in the blood was causing problems, it would cause problems throughout the body. Only the 10 inches of veins right at the heart are affected by cholesterol. Now why would that be? It’s because those veins at the heart are shut flat with every heart pump—like 70 or 80 times a minute, millions of times a year.

They fail not because they are clogged, but because the walls of the veins cannot take being flattened so many times and they split. Vitamin C is what makes the walls of the blood vessels strong. Scurvy is a vitamin C deficiency, and heart attacks are part of the same problem. The deposits of cholesterol on the walls of those particular veins serve to increase their strength and prevent the veins from being totally flattened. The deposits are not there to clog the veins. When a vein splits, it stays flat instead of opening again and that is what causes a heart attack. Vitamin C is what prevents heart attacks. Read Dr. Rath’s books and be sure to buy some vitamin C.

The pharmaceutical companies definitely don’t want you to read his books, because you won’t buy their cholesterol lowering drugs. Cholesterol is the body’s response to a vitamin C deficiency. 

The body seeks to strengthen the walls of the blood vessels and prevent them from splitting by depositing the cholesterol. So to strengthen the walls of the blood vessels around the heart, one should take about 8 grams (8000 mg) of vitamin C daily for a month or two. Kit Cain, ND from the Storyteller web site  has asked me to remind you that large doses of vitamin C will not do the job unless you also include bioflavonoids, such as acerola, rose hips, rutin, hesperidin, and others.

I should mention that Dr. Rath worked with Dr. Linus Pauling for many years. Dr. Linus Pauling agreed with Dr. Rath’s findings and they worked together to further verify and understand the use of  vitamins in the body. Dr. Linus Pauling has been the only man in history to receive two unshared Nobel prizes in the medical field. His agreement and help with these findings add a great deal of credence to these assertions.

Modern medicine insists on treating symptoms and refuses to find causes, because if they find the cause of a problem they will cure it. If they cure a problem, they will not be able to continue selling the drugs to treat it. It’s pathetic, but the fact is that it is all based on money.

Let’s talk about Dr. William Frederic Koch. Dr. Koch developed a medicine from herbs, which he called glyoxylide. He cured his first cancer patient in 1917 and thousands thereafter, when you count those he cured and those cured by other doctors using his medicine. What do you think the conventional treatment for cancer was at that time? The treatment most commonly used at that time had already been in use for many years. I’ll bet you’ll never guess what it was. Well amazing as it may seem, it was x-ray and radium radiation, the same treatment used today. One hundred years and they are still using the same treatment and guess what, more and more people are dying from cancer. Does anyone see anything wrong with this picture? Don’t you think at some point those responsible would say, “Maybe we ought to do a little research into an alternative treatment”? But no, they just go blithely on researching the same basic theory. This is because pharmaceutical companies only make money available for certain kinds of research that they know will get nowhere.

Dr. Koch said that you don’t want to kill the cancer cells; you want to remove the virus that is causing the cell to be sick and thus allow the cancer cell to return to normal. The FDA and FTC attacked Dr. Koch for years. He was driven from the U.S. and traveled to Brazil where he had phenomenal success treating advanced rheumatoid arthritis, insanity, diabetes, cancer, and even leprosy. The FDA was extremely alarmed and demanded that he return to the U.S. Later, when he did return, he was arrested on trumped-up charges. Two trials were held and both times the jury acquitted Dr. Koch, despite the fact that the judge would not allow a single cured patient to testify. The trials went on from 1942 to 1946 and cost the government more than $10 million which is equivalent to $100 million in present-day money. They could not prove that Dr. Koch’s technology did not cure cancer, but by the time the trials were over, none of the herbs he used for his cure were available in the U.S. Colonel Charles March took over as head of the FTC and  attempted to stop the attacks against Dr. Koch, but he met a sudden and questionable death. It seems a number of people involved with alternative medical treatments at that time experienced similar deaths. That is not to say that such deaths do not happen now, because they do. A very good friend of mine, who discovered several cures for a number of important diseases went home about 5 years ago and found a bomb in his apartment, which blew off both of his legs. He lived, but the idea that such things do not happen today is a lie.

Although the FTC could not legally stop Dr. Koch from selling  his medicine to doctors, they gave him a cease-and-desist order prohibiting him from advertising to doctors in any way. This prevented doctors from learning about his cure and from using it to treat cancer patients and other diseases. It is estimated that in excess of 100,000 patients were cured of cancer between the years of 1917, when Dr. Koch cured his first cancer patient, and 1951, when the FTC ordered him to stop advertising to doctors. His laboratories were unable to stay in business without the sales. Recently, there have been attempts to replicate his formula, but he and most of those who knew the details are now dead. Basically, this cure for cancer and many other diseases has been lost. Do you see why MMS is so important at this time? It is a medicine that can be used by anyone, and everyone can know the formula. Once it is out and has been tested widely by the public, none of the alphabet soup agencies (FDA, FTC, AMA, etc.) will have any way to stop it, and the pharmaceutical companies will be up a creek. It will be the beginning of the end of the tremendous cash flow for drugs that treat only symptoms. If my strategy works and this information does get to the public, many similar books will be published by others. The end of the profound suffering of mankind at the hands of the medical and pharmaceutical industries for money is in sight. With the Internet and modern technology, ordinary people can now know more than doctors used to know.

We can no longer be kept in ignorance about medicine. The dawn of the information age has already come and gone, and we are now seeing the dawn of the medical information age for the average person. At least I hope we are. We will if you help. Had Dr. Koch’s cure been used by all doctors, literally millions of people would not have suffered and died. They would have lived happy lives.

The other cancer cure that I want to mention is the one developed by Royal R. Rife of San Diego, California. He began his research somewhat later than Dr. Koch, but in the same era. He began in 1920 by inventing a microscope that was quite different from the best standard microscopes available. His best microscope had a magnification of 30,000X, although his first microscopes were not that powerful. The problem was that in the scientific field it was well known that the most powerful non electronic microscope only had 2,500X power.

The theory of light prohibits anything more powerful, because, theoretically, light waves cannot be amplified any more. Rife, however, had his own theory of light microscopes. The electronic microscope cannot be used with small viruses, because the light frequency that it uses destroys the viruses. Rife built many remarkable microscopes over his lifetime, each better than the one before. His microscopes were duplicated and some still exist to this day. They were so powerful that they revealed the viruses that cause cancer. The microscopes used several different light sources of different frequencies, following the heterodyne principle of light frequency, whereby one frequency is converted to another frequency. This principle has been used in radio frequencies for many years and is still used today. Rife just used it with light frequencies. There was no reason why he should not have pursued this research, but his microscopes were destroyed and his books and plans were burned by the FDA. Despite this, literally hundreds of doctors used Rife’s microscopes to identify and verify cancer. 

The other thing that Rife did, after identifying the cancer virus, was design a device that killed the cancer virus in place. The theory that he used was simple and scientific. He used the theory of radio antennas, which is not a hard theory to understand. Each different frequency causes a flow of electrical current in a specific length of
metal. So, if you have a wire of the right length connected to your radio, you can pick up the frequency that causes an electrical flow of current in that length of wire. You don’t see the wires in modern radios, but they are still in there somewhere. Rife figured he knew those little fellows conducted electricity, so why not make a virus-killing device out of them. He decided that all he needed to do was measure their size and then calculate the frequency that would cause an electrical current to flow through the viruses as currents flow through a TV or radio antenna. If he could cause an electrical current to flow through the viruses, that would kill them. A special research committee of the University of Southern California oversaw his laboratory work until the end of the 1930s. Follow-up clinics conducted in 1935, 1936, and 1937 by the head of the U.S.C. Medical Committee verified his results.

Independent physicians, utilizing replicas of Rife’s machine, successfully treated as many as 40 patients per day. A number of doctors continued to treat patients for up to 22 years, but the pressure became too great. When authorities found a machine in operation they either destroyed it on the spot or confiscated it for evidence.

Rife determined the precise frequencies for herpes, tuberculosis,  and other illnesses, including cancer. His work was in science magazines, medical journals, and later the Smithsonian Institution’s annual report. Thousands were cured during the 1930s, and then the  authorities struck. Rife began working with John Crane, an engineer. Rife’s life work was in John Crane’s lab when the authorities hit it. They destroyed everything, burned books, and jailed John Crane. After that, he had continuous problems with the authorities. The university no longer backed Rife and he simply had to quit.

Today, there are people throughout the world who have Rife frequency generators. Many of these generators do not work, as they do not replicate Rife’s work closely enough, but many do work and they are still being used to cure cancer and other diseases. There are even a few people who have his microscopes or good replicas of his microscopes, and they still work.

So, why were these individuals stopped when they were curing people and how was the truth covered up so easily? There are two reasons why they were stopped and both are based on greed. There were scientists who did not want their theories of cancer and other diseases questioned, and the pharmaceutical companies did not want their incomes decreased. Billions of dollars can exert a huge amount of pressure. The medical laws of this country have been shaped by the pharmaceutical companies. The drug companies have spent billions of dollars and maintain at least two lawyers in Washington, D.C. for each representative and each senator. It all boils down to money, and the criminality of it is beyond belief.

Millions suffer and die so that these companies can make money. In addition, many medical scientists were pushing their own favorite concepts at the time, which afforded them some amount of fame. Most of them were connected to the pharmaceutical companies, and again were focused on money.

Hundreds of very important industries exist in the United States that do not spend billions of dollars influencing Congress on making laws. There is no acceptable reason for the drug companies to be spending such huge amounts of money to influence congress, but they do.

You can check my accuracy in these statements by getting on the Internet and reading some of the thousands of documents that are available. Just go to Google or one of the other search engines and search on the names of the people I have mentioned, or just search on “FDA Suppression.” The proof is all there. The FDA likes to dispute it, of course, and there is no money to dispute them. They have the billions to say you are wrong. In court, you don’t have a chance to prove technology. They always bring up points of law and one never gets to the crux of the matter, which is that the present technology is wrong. There is simply no proving anything. The fact is, anyone who wants to do a little research can prove the points I make here, but smart lawyers won’t allow the evidence to be brought up in court.

This book about MMS might just bring about a change, reduce some of the suffering, and overcome some of the power of the pharmaceutical giants. If it is distributed widely enough, that will happen. Please help and join this crusade. All you have to do is send this book to as many people as possible. If you want to print it out and give it away, that’s okay. If you are giving it away, make as many copies as you want. Give away 1,000 or 1 million copies, but if you are using it in a commercial way, then you need permission in  writing from me, the author. Keep in mind that all of the profits will be spent to distribute this book more widely or to bring MMS to Africa. Please join this crusade, as all of us together can change the world. Donations can be sent directly to my Paypal account,. I have received very few donations, but I welcome those who want to contribute to help in this way. Please don’t blindly believe the statements made here. Check them out for yourself. You will find the facts are there and they can be verified. Take the time to verify them. It’s important to you and your family.

One other thing you should know: there are no incurable diseases. There are cures for every disease known; they are simply being suppressed. Many were discovered years ago and now sit unused. The stories and lies about the “quacks who discovered them” have prevented alternative medicine from using many of them and books have been burned. Why was it necessary to burn books and destroy microscopes and other valuable equipment if the cures did not work? By their actions, those in charge have proven those cures were of value. With the public’s help, we can make this a better world and eliminate incurable diseases. The answers are all there; we just need to prevent our government from suppressing them. The public has the power and we can do it. MMS is not the only cure for many diseases, but it will give you a lot more confidence when you see MMS work. Your first step is to use some of it and see for yourself. The second step is to start telling your
neighbors and everyone you know. That’s all we need. The world will change.

Help us defeat the FDA. You may not believe it, but the FDA has been suppressing all real cancer cures, information concerning how vitamins prevent heart attacks, and all other information and products that may in any way reduce the income of the large pharmaceutical companies. Please don’t take my word for it—become informed. Read the data available on the Internet. Just go to any search engine and put in “FDA Suppression.” There is a tremendous amount of documentation from as early as the 1930s. The government often puts authors in jail and tells them that they will withdraw the accusations only if the author will withdraw his claims. Once the author has lost all of his money and is tired of fighting, he gives up. There are hundreds of medical facts that are being suppressed right now that would save thousands of lives.

There are many records of people who have died under very questionable conditions when they tried to inform people. Please don’t write this off as a bunch of crazy conspiracy talk. Your life and the lives of thousands are at stake. Isn’t this important enough to at least try MMS once?

Why do you suppose drugs in this world, especially in America, almost always treat symptoms? It’s no secret that drugs only treat symptoms; most people know this. Ask any person interested in  health. Medical drugs treat symptoms and all of the medical research conducted by pharmaceutical companies is directed towards treating symptoms, not towards finding the cause of the problem. The reason being that if you find the cause of a disease or health problem, you can usually cure the problem. In which case, you will not be able to sell your drugs over and over until the person dies. Billions of dollars are involved. Treating symptoms does not cure or change the problem. Why do you suppose there has been no significant advancement in cancer technology in 100 years? With one or two minor exceptions, the same treatments that were used 100 years ago are still used today. The world has made remarkable advancements in almost every area, except in the treatment of cancer and other diseases. The treatments have been refined, the drugs are purer, the needles are better, the X-ray machines are safer, the records are maintained more carefully, the timers that time the treatments are more accurate, but the treatments themselves have not changed. There is only one way these treatments could have remained the same for 100 years, and that is through the suppression of every new concept that has surfaced. The government has its own judges, its own laws, and it has simply blocked any real improvements.
The pharmaceutical companies spend billions of dollars working to influence congressmen and senators. They have tried again and again to suppress vitamins. I don’t have time to cover all of the data here, but please become informed on this subject. The data and the proof are available. The truth cannot be suppressed. Just read the thousands of documents available on the Internet. They have spent billions influencing Congress under the pretense of “public safety” to prevent us from acessing printed literature on  vitamins. Do you imagine that we would be much safer if we didn’t know about vitamins? (I mentioned this before earlier in Part I, but it is important enough to mention again, and you may not have read  Part I.) Now, MMS is such a simple cure that it need not be relegated to doctors. Private individuals have the ability to treat themselves. This means that the FDA is going to have a much harder time suppressing this cure. The public, the sick and suffering, have this one window of opportunity that is now open, but we don’t know for  how long. This time, the FDA cannot suppress a couple of doctors or arrest the author of this book—they can’t find me. Luckily I am not tied to some expensive lab, and I can move around. But they don’t have to find me to stop the advancement of MMS. The billions of dollars behind them will definitely try, because ultimately, a great part of those billions will be lost if MMS becomes well known. Please, please take the attitude that it is best to err on the side of optimism and that I might just be telling the truth.

This is where you come in. It is now resting on your shoulders.  I’ve done what I can do. It’s up to you, the readers of this book to spread the word to the world. It can happen if you will tell your friends. The more people you get to read this book or download the free e-book, the more people you tell before the pharmaceutical companies find out about MMS, the less likely they will be able to suppress it. Up to this point, they have been so convinced that I am a charlatan that they have paid me no attention. It’s my only safeguard. But when they start getting reports of people getting well and people being cured, it will be a different story. And yes, I mentioned this in Part I, also. There is a point, I don’t know how many people are required, but eventually we will reach what I call the point of no return. If we  reach that point, they will no longer be able to slam the door in our faces. We will reach that point when enough people have learned the data, have used MMS, and know it works. Believe me, a few  individuals won’t do it. It will take millions who know that it works.

Please join us. Either use it, or just accept the idea that the public deserves to know about MMS. Get as many people to download the free e-book (The Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century, Part I) as soon as possible (and purchase Part II). And when you successfully use MMS to help yourself or someone else, broadcast it widely. We may only have a few months. You probably have less than 12 months to get it to the public. The elimination and prevention of suffering, misery and the death of millions depends upon you. (Sorry to be so dramatic, but this is a fact.) Have your  friends download the free book at , or better still, have them purchase a hard copy of this book for $21.95  at the same site.

Again, go to Google and search on “FDA Suppression.” You will see that I am telling the truth. Otherwise, you will know that what I am saying here is true when they begin their campaigns to prove the data in this book false. The problem that they will have is that anyone can try MMS. But that won’t stop them, because they know that they can use fear to prevent millions from even considering it. That is why we need millions who have already tried it and know that it works. Join the crusade. Lives are at stake. Of course, if you don’t tell your friends there will never be such a campaign from the FDA and the pharmaceutical companies. You
may not realize it, but at this time, more than 55% of the American public have stopped consulting their family doctors and have started using alternative medicine.

I apologize again for being so dramatic, and for repeating myself, but I am 76 years old and in my years I have learned that people would rather hear the facts than someone “beating around the bush.” And what I say three times will usually be remembered—my fourth grade teacher told me that. Remember, MMS does not treat diseases, it aids the immune system.

There are millions of people who have such utter faith in modern medicine that they are not even willing to check the facts. In my 40 years in the health business I have watched a number of my friends die from cancer while being totally convinced that I was a confused man. They preferred to die rather than check my data.
Two of my close relatives died rather than check my data. Please take the time to check the data on modern alternative medicine or test MMS for yourself.  I look forward to hearing how you have used MMS. Please write me or send me an email (see the copyright page for my contact information). Even if you don’t write me, please record all of the times that you treat yourself or others and the results you get. This information may be very important as time goes by.